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목회자 축구모임에 나가 1주일에 한 번정도 공을 찼었는데

아킬레스 부근이 아파서 축구를 하지 못해서, 아킬레스건에

관한 것을 찾다가 지코일 신발을 알게되어서 운동화로

무료체험한 후, 지코일 남자구두를 구매했다.


지코일 신발은 일반신발보다 훨씬 더 편하고 무릎 및 관절에

부담이 덜 하고, 아킬레스 부근 통증도 많이 줄어 들었다.


지코일 신발을 신다가 다른 신발을 신으면 불편해서 신지

못할 정도이며, 요즘은 운동을 하는데도 별 무리가 없을 정도로

많이 좋아졌다.


김 단

파주, 53세, 목사.


I wore my brother’s Z-CoiL® shoes for 10 minutes, and I am hooked . . . I have an inflamed Achilles tendon, and this shoe is a lifesaver.


New Hyde Park,  NY   USA

I’m from Australia and have bought your shoes before. I have had a lot of problems with calf and Achilles tendon problems over the years. Since I’ve worn these spring shoes, I have had very little trouble at all and still enjoy running at a high level as a football umpire in our local football competition. Thanks very much.


Ballarat,  VICTORIA   Australia

Hello there and thank God for Z-CoiL® shoes. I have been suffering with chronic tendonitis in both ankles for three years. The doctors told me it is something I will have to deal with for the rest of my life. For all my jobs I have been on my feet. I had been trying to find a job that would not require me to be on my feet.

I tried the Z-CoiL® shoes and I could not believe the difference in how my feet and my back felt. I have worn them for six months now. I will not wear any shoes other than Z-CoiL® shoes.


Billings,  MT   USA

On June 18th, 1992, I was involved in an automobile accident. I lost my right heel and my Achilles tendon snapped. The doctors said I'd never walk again and wanted to amputate below the knee. I refused, designed my own walking brace, and now walk without even a brace.

However, I was only able to walk on my foot for approximately one half mile a day and at the end of the day my ankle would swell as if I had a sprained ankle.

Over the last two years, from the slight offset of my walking, my neck developed problems. I went to physical therapy three times a week for over a year and only had partial relief. I even sold my motorcycle because of the pain.

Two months ago I bought a pair of Z-CoiL® shoes. My walking without pain increased to over two miles a day and within weeks my neck problem subsided. I have recently purchased another motorcycle and I am interested in the Z-Duty Steel Toe Boot from Z-CoiL.

I recommend these shoes to anyone suffering spinal, neck, or hip problems. They are comfortable and a real ice breaker at parties.


Elkview,  WV   USA


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