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Four years ago I was spending 20 minutes a day putting on my shoes. I wore orthotics with two pair of socks and lace-up braces with cheap shoes that never lasted. I then tried Z-CoiL® shoes and have not bought anything else since. I love them so much that I brought home a pair for my wife to try. She also loved them and we thought they would be good for our Downs Syndrome son, since he suffered from the same flat feet that I had. The bad thing is that he loved them so much, he would not give them back. He even took them to bed with him. After he fell asleep we snuck into his room to get the shoes. The next morning a very upset boy came into our room asking for his Z-shoes. Even though we tried to explain that we had to take those back because we were just trying them out, he wanted those shoes. We purchased him a pair the next day, and now Z-CoiL shoes are the only shoes Ricky ever wears. He even wears them when he races in Special Olympics. As a matter of fact, Ricky is the only handicapped child to win a gold medal in the 100-meter and the 50-meter spring wearing Z-CoiL shoes. Both my son and I would not be able to function without our Z-CoiL shoes.

Safford,  AZ   USA


I'm a healthcare professional who travels. I have also had foot problems forever. I've got flat feet and Morton’s syndrome. Years ago I had major problems, and the doctors were wanting me to have surgery to have the misalignment corrected (they wanted to break my feet and reset the bones!). They warned me that if I didn’t have the surgery, one day I would really regret it. Well, stubborn as I am, I thought there is no way I'm letting them do this. I've always been diligent about wearing shoes with good support and up until recently this worked okay for me. I still had pain/swelling from time to time, but dealt with it as the problems surfaced.

The hospital where I'm currently contracted is very large and very busy. I'm on my feet constantly. One busy weekend, my feet started making this horrible crunching noise with each step and I was in complete agony and downing mass quantities of ibuprofen just to be able to complete that shift. Yes, the problems of my very active youth were resurfacing. I was developing metatarsal fractures in both feet and tearing some ligaments as well.

Desperate, 400 miles from home and barely able to walk, I called my doctor and told him what was going on. He INSISTED that I find a shoe store that sells Z-CoiL® shoes and buy them immediately. He also told me as soon as I could to come in and see him for some bone scans, etc.

These shoes have literally saved my feet! I went out and purchased them, lucky that there is a dealer here where I'm at (Springshod Shoes in Dayton, OH) and wore them out of the store . . . and directly to work. They say that some people don’t get complete relief from these shoes for a few days or weeks, but my pain relief was immediate. I went to work, ran around all night long and needed NO ibuprofen. My feet did not swell even a tiny bit, and in the morning when my 12-hour shift was over, had ZERO pain.

Okay, so I'm hard-headed. A couple of days later I needed to go to the store, so I wore my much-loved running shoes. Within minutes my feet were in extreme pain! After a few nights off I was scheduled to work five 12-hour shifts in a row. Thanks to these wonderful shoes, I did just that. I was absolutely free from pain, swelling, or any discomfort at all. I haven't thrown out my other shoes YET, but I sure can't wear them. And I'm sure that before my contract here ends, I WILL be buying several more pairs.

Buying these shoes was like buying a brand new pair of feet. I cannot express just how much these shoes have done for me. Yes, they are expensive, but without them I would not be able to work and as a single mother, I have to work. Thank you.

Dayton,  OH   US

My hubby, Dan, and I were at the main Z-CoiL® store on 4th Street in Albuquerque just a week ago. We each bought a pair of 7” work boots with enclosed coils, as we have a small ranchette in the East Mountains. Between my husband and I, we have endured five back surgeries—my husband three, and me two. We have taken many meds and have used walkers, but canes mostly, since then.

The day we bought these “angelic” shoes was the day I saw my husband stand as tall as I remembered him as a young (and, by the way, very handsome) man. WOW! I also felt no pain, and since then have worn them all of the time. I don’t care if they look like combat boots. I walk our Biggg Dog with them on, on the uneven terrain of our land, and on the gravel road in front of our home, to the doctor’s office, to the store, etc.

I tell everyone I see using a cane or limping about these wonderful shoes. Z-CoiL® shoes are the best thing that has happened in my life and my husband’s in a long time. We have even gone on the Internet and told friends around the country about them and even looked on the website for the stores where they can purchase these “wonder” shoes.

Thank you, Z-CoiL. It was also an honor to meet the inventor of the shoes, Mr. Gallegos, while we were at the store. What a gentleman.

Tijeras,  NM   USA

I work at one of the casinos here in Lake Charles, Louisiana. It's a very fast-paced business and we're constantly on our feet 8 to 9 hours a day. I have had lower back pain for years and recently developed severe pain in my left foot. I went to an orthopedist and he found that I have arthritis in my heel and also very flat feet. I tried some other well known shoes and some arch supports, but they didn't help. Admittedly, I am one of the world's worst skeptics, but after reading about Z-CoiL® shoes online, I decided to purchase a pair. Carlin Chapman, at the store here in Lake Charles, was very helpful and knowledgeable and took the time to make sure I was properly fitted in the shoes. He even made some adjustments to them for the way I walk! After just a couple of days the improvement was amazing and I no longer have to take pain medicine to get through the day! I've been praising them to my friends and co-workers and several of them plan to get a pair. I'm sure, like me, they'll only wish they had purchased them sooner. Thanks Z-CoiL!

Lake Charles,  LA   USA


I used to be on my feet all the time and I used to wear flat shoes with no arch support. I have worked in a lot of jobs that require a lot of walking: security guard, car sales, and warehouse jobs with concrete floors. In time my feet became very painful to walk on. I thought it was because I’m a big guy and overweight that my feet hurt all the time. I’ve been to several doctors over the years who told me I had heel spurs in both feet. I have received at least three cortisone shots in my right foot to help me with the pain. The shot is just a temporary fix and is almost more painful than the heel spur itself. It made me scream like a little girl the last time it was done. I sometimes had to use a cane because the pain was so intense that I had a difficult time walking.

My doctor told me I have absolutely no arch in either foot, and the top of my foot was crushing in on itself. He made me some arch supports cast from impressions of my feet. That out-of-pocket expense was around $500.00. He told me my feet were so bad, I needed to buy better quality shoes like Reebok and Nike, and to replace them every three to four months because my feet would obliterate the shoe’s arch by that time, and I needed to keep a good arch support for my feet

Every morning after waking up I would have to massage my heels and use a cane to get to the bathroom five to ten feet away. This was the norm until I walked into Springboard, a Z-CoiL® store in Vancouver, for the first time. I was referred by a friend I work with who told me great things about these shoes. He gave me a card and I looked them up on the Web. Of course I was a skeptic, believing it to be too good to be true, but after reading the testimonies for myself, I had to check it out.

I walked into the store with my wife and met Richard Kimbell, who had me in a pair of shoes in no time flat. After seeing his compassion for people like myself, with problems like mine, I realized this was not a joke or a scam in any way. After a few minutes of walking around in the new shoes, I noticed a difference. My feet did feel better, and I did not want to take the shoes off, but Richard needed to adjust them to fit me better. While I was waiting, a few people came in that were already on his testimonial wall. I asked them about the pros and cons of the shoes. I never heard one negative comment; all were positive. After Richard fit my shoes to me, he stated if I ever had a problem or question with the shoes to come back right away. I’ve just got to say this is the best customer service I have ever experienced.

After about four months of walking in these shoes, I no longer have pain whatsoever in my feet. I can take walks with my wife again and not feel I need to sit down every 20 feet or so. I have not used the insoles my doctor sold me or my cane since buying these wonderful shoes. Everyone that asks me now about these Z-CoiL® shoes gets my story about how great they have worked for me. I even approach people that look like they have problems walking and tell them about the shoes.

I just bought my second pair and am about to buy my third. Since the shoes last so long, I just buy different styles. I will never buy a different brand of shoes again. No one can beat the comfort of these shoes, and I have never experienced the kind of excellent customer service as with Richard and his staff. Thank you greatly.

Vancouver,  WA   USA


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